Knowledge base overview

The knowledge base feature allows you to create help and informational articles for both your clients and your team members.

You can create frequently asked questions, step by step instructions, help documentation, etc.

You manage your knowledgebase categories via the settings dashboard and your manage your articles via the dashboard front end.

The best place to start is the knowledge base page.

:: Main Menu > Knowledge Base


From this page, your users are able to:
  • (1) Search the knowledge base.
  • (3) Open a support ticket for more help.
  • (4) View articles in a particular category.

Category Listing

From this page, your users are able to do the following:
  • (1) View a list of all the available articles.
  • (2) View a list of all the categories.
  • (3) Search the articles in this category.
From this page, you are able to do the following:
  • (4) Create new articles for this category.
  • (5) Edit/managed all articles.