Clients Overview

Managing your clients is very easy and intuitive. The place to start is the Client List Page.

You access this page via the main menu:

:: Main Menu > Customers > Clients

From this page, you are able to view and do the following:

  • (1) Create a new client account
  • (2) Edit an existing client account
  • (3) Delete a client account
  • (4) Filter clients, using a detailed filter panel.
  • (5) Search your projects, using the free text search box.
  • See the most important summary information about your clients:
    • The client’s ID
    • The client’s company name
    • The main contact/account owner for the client account
    • The number of projects the client has
    • The total value of invoices raised with the client
    • Tags, which are useful for quickly identifying key attributes about your client
    • Client category, which is helpful for classifying your clients (e.g. Design Clients, SEO Clients, etc)